Larry, What Are Your Positions On...
1. THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: I believe in the peaceful transfer of power for every Presidential election
2. ISRAEL: I stand tall with Israel and all Jews worldwide. Period.
3. BORDER: Close the damn thing today and stop lying about it being secured. Deport those who are here illegally, and govern by the existing, long-standing immigration laws of our land.
4. ABORTION: As a Christian, I am personally against it. As your Congressman, I believe the law is clear. It's not an issue for the national government anymore. The people and legislatures of each state will determine their policies. I also do not believe in a federal law banning a woman's right to choose.
5. CRIME: I am very tough on crime. We need to support our men and women in blue and prosecute criminals according to the letter and spirit of the law. The party is over.
6. TAXES: Lower them all, and eliminate some. No taxes on Social Security and no taxes on tips.
7. HOMELESS: Raise them up off the streets with compassion. House and treat them in our existing, closed, mental institutions, drug addiction facilities, and veteran homes. Strongly suggest to all religious organizations to co-sponsor our Good Samaritan efforts.
8. ECONOMY: Stop printing money and lower the National Debt by a "minimum" of 10% each year until it's paid off.
9. GUNS: I will not disarm law-abiding citizens who have every right and increasing need to defend themselves. In order to curb gun violence, we need to prosecute criminals who commit crimes using them. “Use a Gun, Go to Prison."
10. EDUCATION: Schools must be assertively transparent with parents as to what is being taught in the classrooms and which ideologies are being funded by the government, namely us!
11. CRYPTOCURRENCIES: My Democrat opponent, Brad Sherman, is on the wrong side of history regarding Bitcoin and cryptocurriencies. In fact, on January 10, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved proposals for 11 spot bitcoin ETFs, which will open a floodgate of new investors for bitcoin. As the main crypto-hater in Washington, Sherman has fought for over 15 years to "outlaw" Bitcoin and cryptos. I believe our banking institutions are flawed, and technology, cryptos, and Bitcoin, can advance our financial futures. We should not try, as Sherman has, to put the technology genie back in the bottle.
13. CLIMATE CHANGE: I am for allowing all alternate forms of energy and American oil to compete in a free market.
14. TAX INCENTIVES TO OUR ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY: We need to be more competitive. Stop film productions from going to another State...OR COUNTRY.
15. WHAT ELSE CONCERNS YOU? Civil insurrection, our government soon issuing a mandatory U.S. Dollar Recall and replacing it with a regulated, traceable, privacy-invading, and government surveillance CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, China, Iran, North Korea, and, of course, as a Congressman of CA 32, the increasing dangers of living in West LA, and yes, even the many pot holes in our streets including Ventura Boulevard, Coldwater Canyon, Laurel Canyon, Topanga Canyon Boulevard, plus the traffic and safety on Malibu's Pacific Coast Highway.
"This used to be Reagan Country, and I am running for Congress to take it back for him."
I also believe we need... a New Civil Conversation to Get What Needs To Be Done in District CA 32.
1. Lower our many taxes including supporting the argument that Measure ULA ("The Mansion Tax") is invalid and unconstitutional.
2. Secure the border and address head-on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
3. Stop our citizens and businesses from leaving our district by making California more affordable.
4. Stop identifying people simply by their political affiliations.
5. Be Proud Californians and Patriotic Americans, who respect the laws and Law Enforcement.
6. Embrace and help each other, especially the homeless.
7. Address every issue, and be giving, reasonable, and lead by example.
8. Be more constructive and less obstructive.
9. Represent equally and passionately each woman, man, and child of every race, creed, color, and sexual preference.
10. Improve wages, health care, schools, and public transportation.
11. The solution to Climate Change starts with improving the Political Climate here in the 32nd District.
12. Protect our Hollywood Legacy and incentivize our Music and Film Production in California.
13. ... and Pray to find Common Ground with each other to secure our Future.
Candidate Statement
I am pro-America and committed to serving the beautiful, cultural diversity of our 32nd District.
Tired and embarrassed of voting your party line and nothing changing for the better for you and your family? Has your party taken your vote for granted, promised you the world, and consistently, over generations, not delivered? It's time to re-examine this new world and vote for a future with positive change.
I am that change. I am Larry Thompson. I am a Republican with Common Sense.
Originally from Clarksdale, Mississippi, I have lived here most of my life. I am a Catholic, Republican, Energetic, Entertainment Lawyer, Talent Manager, Film Producer, Author, Motivational Speaker, and Father.
I am not a politician. I have been a creative businessman in the entertainment industry. I am used to getting things done. The polarized political positions in our nation have become dangerous in many ways. I want everyone, especially our Government representatives, to finally use Common Sense with Common Civility to find Common Ground to solve our Common Issues.
I want, with your support, to use my many experiences, contacts, and new vision to secure RESPECT and PROSPERITY for ALL. I want to help YOU.
Let's Start a New Conversation...to Finally Get Something Done.
And don't worry, I will definitey beat Mr. Sleeping-At-The-Wheel, Brad Sherman. I'm just glad Taylor Swift isn't running.
Please visit my Ballotpedia Issues Profile by clicking on the icon below.